Corel Draw 5
Corel Draw 5 CD1.iso
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103 lines
@CHAPTER TITLE = <MV>Preserve and Protect<D>
@CHAPTER SUB = Our National Parks
@DROP CAP = Walking in the woods can be a profound experience.
An old growth forest is a phenomenon that many people have simply
never encountered. Working with this chapter is probably something
you<@146>ve never encountered, either, but it<@146>s not going to
be difficult. The notes for working with the chapter and style sheet
are fairly straightforward. The chapter number is in its own frame
and the circle is drawn using Corel Ventura<@146>s own graphics feature.
The chapter title and subtitle are right-aligned. The Body Text is
justified and Vertical Justification is also used in this chapter.
The illustration on the following page is sized by using Fit in Frame,
Distorted. That frame and the attached caption frame have vertical
padding added. Footnotes appear on the next page, and this style sheet
also includes tags for pull quotes, and bullets using dingbats. Headers
have been set up for automatic page numbering and for book title and
chapter titles. The backwards L shape at the top left corner of the
page is used as a crop mark for positioning. It is made up of graphic
lines and will repeat on every page. This format uses the entire 8.5
x 11 inch page, with 13.5 point body text. It is actually designed
to produce a smaller book by having the pages photographically reduced
by 18 per cent. This will give you a 7 x 9 inch page with about 10.5
point type and a higher resolution.
@FIRST PARA = Corel Corporation has announced yet another
break<->through in publishing performance, the new Corel Ventura 5.0.
This newest member of the Corel Ventura line-up is the most flexible,
most complete publishing package anywhere<@151>at any price. Engineered
to get the most from the Windows environment, Corel Ventura combines
amazing publishing power with true ease-of-learning and use, so even
beginners get professional-looking results right from the start.
Corel Ventura 5.0 for Windows gives you all the great features that
have made Corel Ventura the standard for publishing the world over<@151>plus
it<@146>s packed with value and includes thousands of clipart images,
over 600 fonts, and 100 royalty-free Kodak Photo-CD images. <N>The
Corel Ventura interface has been completely overhauled for this release,
with an emphasis on speed and efficiency. There<@146>s a <N>spelling
checker that works on a selected range, a file, multiple files, or
an entire chapter. There<@146>s search and replace for text, attributes,
and tags, so you don<@146>t have to return to your word processor,
and there<@146>s a handy undo/redo option. You can cut and paste bitmaps
through the Windows Clipboard and add and delete multiple pages simultaneously.
It also supports the original five dictionaries that the DOS/GEM version
has built-in<$FText of Footnote. This footnote is generated automatically.
You can type the text directly into the footnote frame. If you move
the paragraph where the footnote marker is placed, the footnote will
move with it. <N>And now, as they say in the movies: lights, camera,
Also included: Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) to Windows 3.X server
applications, as well as an extension for programmers to create integrated
applications<$FAnother Footnote. You can have as many footnotes as
you like on a page. The text will wrap automatically and you can make
it any size or font you like.>. Corel Ventura 5.0 features extensive
color support, including PANTONE, 24-bit TIFF, PCX, and EPS continuous
tone images. You can define colors using CMYK, CMY, RGB, HLS, and
the PANTONE system of 730 solid and 3000 process colors. You now have
the ability to view 16.7 million colors. Define 254 spot colors in
your Corel Ventura document. Import EPS file color palettes. And DCS
support too!
You can also expand the power of Corel Ventura 5.0 with an impressive
array of new technologies which combine smoothly and completely with
Corel Ventura to give you the maximum in speed, productivity and ease-of-use.
For example, using Corel Ventura<@146>s multi-color fractal and fountain
fills, you can enhance the look of all of your documents. <N>New support
for the incremental rotation of text and graphics allows you greater
creative freedom, as does Ventura<@146>s support for irregular text
Corel Ventura<@146>s integrated Copy Editor eliminates the need for
a separate word processor. <N>You can write and edit copy within the
Copy Editor, and then switch to the typesetting environment for final
layout. The Copy Editor even supports the visual pre-tagging of paragraphs
and the setting of text attributes. You can even edit the contents
of a table from within the Copy Editor.
@BULLET = For information, call (800) 836-3729 in the U.S.
and Canada.<R>
Publish in color on your PC!